Latest news

March 15, 2022

Extra field geologist to continue the survey of our Area 2 and Area 3

We have hired 2 extra field geologist to continue the survey of Areas 2 and 3, whilst the rest of the team focuses on our drilling campaign in Area 1.
March 1, 2022

Drilling contractors for the Area 3 and Area 1 projects

Neolit started the procurement of drilling contractors for the drilling of 2,000 metres in Area 1 to start in July 2022.
January 10, 2022

Investment in geological exploration in the Area 1, Area 2 and Area 3

Neolit has set a 2022 budget of R$4,500,000.00 to be invested in geological exploration in its three mains areas in 2022. We will start the year with an established base…